
I'll watch anything with Jennifer Ehle in it. We see her so little in anything. I do like Paul Rudd so that's an added bonus. Selena Gomez I could care less about.

Better than last week but I am still not feeling this show and I realize my problem is with Dominic West. Not that he's not a fine actor and not doing a good job, I am just struggling with the idea that he is sort of this everyman and ordinary guy. Maybe I can't get his character from The Wire out of my head. But

I think that's an interesting premise but when I read another season of flashbacks to this affair, yeah I am not sure that's going to hold my interest.

Maybe it's just me but the disconnect between the main characters makes complete sense considering the season this show is coming off of. Now I loved Cary and Alicia last season but Will's death almost took away some of why they separated from Lockhart Gardiner or at least put it in perspective. Diane while joining

It's plausible, yet I am still not convinced Cole is the one dead. And I don't think Cole is this paragon of virtue Alison is portraying him as. His motives around stifling progress may not be for the good of the island but because he's trying to keep the area "unassuming" to keep the attention away from the area and

Oh yes. I think this current generation has a fascination with Amy Dunne because she comes across a bit more cerebral, less vixenish.

I can see that yet that version really doesn't interest me because it's Noah's story. And out of everyone on the show, he is the one I care least about and that includes his in-laws. But I find myself caring less about the two of them and their so called "soul-mate" connection, which to be honest is transparent to me.

Bravo. Elsbeth works and is enjoyable in small doses. Tonight was a prime example of the repeated suggestions of Elsbeth becoming the focus of her own show just would not work.
I am loving seeing Cary back in force this week and it looks like this arc is likely to go the entire season.
THe end of the episode really

I have to say I think this was the weakest episode at this point in some respects. I enjoyed the town meeting and the fallout and learning some of the background of the area and hypothesizing on how all this comes together, but I have to be honest in that I am less and less interested in Noah and Alison. I am finding