Hep Alien

Both my parents ran single television households so as far as I'm concerned they only have themselves to blame.. My Dad complained about Romeo+Juliet (he took the video out of the machine turned round and dropped it into the wastepaper basket), Edward Scissorhands and Friends. He refered to all American tv shows and

Yeah I'd give this episode at least a B- considering the mess that was Season 6. When they were having the party I was like, where are all the angry townspeople? Then I remembered, oh yeah they dead. At least this show doesn't keep it's useless characters around for too long?

Nope, being bisexual has nothing to do with having a high libido.

I watched the first three episodes of this show yesterday and came here to check if it gets better. I now see that it does not. Aside from Monica who didn't feature much the only female in these episodes was a stripper. Anyone arguing that this is what their world is really like needs to rub their eyes and step

I thought the same thing. Maybe it's because the season was only 13 episodes?

This episode was a total return to form after a season of ups and downs. I'm really sad that it won't be coming back. I'm going to miss the Shay's and Dalia so much!

I would stop watching this show if it weren't for Messina. If I don't see you again Mindy we'll always have Danny dancing to Try Again.

Kath was the highlight of this episode, the fleece song and A-O RIVER!

The last few episodes have felt a little adrift to me. I thought the series was going to be about George and Tessa trying to keep the Chatswin madness at arms length then end up with George and Dallas back together.

I'm only watching the show for Danny now and obviously all of Mindy's boyfriends are terrible so we'll still favour him but…can we have another Seth Rogen type episode? Her last three boyfriends are the worst people in the world.

If this was an A episode then I've made the right decision to stop watching the show at this point.

Yeah but at least they acknowleged how bad it was in the legendary "dude this baby sucks!" conversation. I still really want a Lane and Zack spin off, they could totally have a cafe and Mrs Kim, Brian and Gill could help run it.

LANE AND ZACK 4 EVER. Dave Rygalski was a drip.

I had never considered Rory and Paris, I don't want to think about Paris without Doyle to be honest. My love of Jess was strengthened by my hatred of Logan. In my head Rory and Jess got back together and became a literary power couple.

You should watch the documentary. I doubt that their aim is to create good music. To say they are just an average shitty art school punk band entirely ignores what they have risked in order to raise awareness about what is happening in Russia today.

"Some people are straight up Wingdings!"

I was not being entirely literal but I was refering to the Anthem era. I remember seeing the video for She's Gonna Break Soon and thinking wow that's a pretty big change. I prefered the albums they did previous to that but to be fair I haven't heard any of their recent stuff. You had pretty good taste for a 7 year old!

They weren't the first but they were the worst.

I went to a bunch of Less Than Jake gigs as a teenager and they were great fun but then they started dressing all in black to fit in with the emo trend and it wasn't fun anymore. I blame My Chemical Romance for this and pretty much everything else.

I'm a couple of days late but I just watched this then read the article Paul Feig did for Vanity Fair about what he thought would happen to the characters in the future. In my mind Kelly is already pregnant but the father is Daniel. I can't imagine Bill becoming a jock because he was so physically awkward and also