The Little Lord Fauntleroy


Sounds like "Crick"

You guys are messing with my head.

Completely agree with you.  I haven't seen anything to suggest Saul is a mole.  The rug thing was just a thing, and he messed up the polygraph because his wife is leaving him.
I really don't see the show even head faking in that direction.

It helps that we can talk about these things.

No… Seriously.  I spent the rest of the episode hoping for a better look and missed everything else.

Clicking like once just isn't enough for that comment.

Like I said, never seen anything quite as bad as that, but close.  That composed walk out of the room was just about spot on.  The adjusting of the tie was the only thing I can see as being a bit much.  Still enough to give me a mild combat flashback.

I really respect what you put into that comment.  Congratulations.

Not as silly as you might think.  I've never seen anything quite as horrendous as that, but close; Shock can keep you acting pretty damn normal for a few seconds after something like that.

I am a grown ass man (and a combat infantryman). 
I screamed like a little girl when gus walked out of the room.