
But I have heard the word "unmasking" before. Does that make me smarter than the US president?

too bad The Master was great

This hour was god damn perfect.

I hear he's already practicing the Batusi

Hoping for Tom's red pants.

It was horrible. This episode cause me literally pain because it was so bad.

Eddie punching Cal was fantastic. Really looking forward to the season finale now. Despite some clumsy storylines (I don't give a singel shit about drung addict girl. Can't even remember her name) and weird editing choices (breaking ice) the great acting and sometimes heartbrakeing family sotory keeps me watching.


Wilkerson? I thought his last name was a mystery.

Did anyone of you who gave the album a F actually listen to it? I hated Miley's music before, but I still gave it a listen. Surprisingly it's pretty good. It could have be shortend by a third, but all in all it's one of the most interesting and risk taking albums that pop music has brought forward in the last few

Die, Bart, Die

I've got to disargree with the election. They could have spread the election over two episodes, and let John enter the competition in the second one. The viewer would be wondering one week whether Jon will become the new Lord of Winterfell.