
My cousin, an aunty, and a friend all were saying grabbing was practically raping the poor girl..shows a glaring difference between traveller and Gypsy culture..My dado and cousins woulda put that boy in the hospital had he tried that with me!

Far Away Pete - the Jersey Shore cast know how they are being portrayed, doesn't mean all Italian's in Jersey act like them. It really is a perfect comparison, the folk they are picking for this show are just like what they sought out for Jersey Shore. Idiots willing to make absolute imbecils of themselves and make

It's okay Jai Ho..I understand where she's coming from..Thank you very much tho!

illnevergetmorehope - It really depends on the community..The general rule of thumb is it's okay for a Rom to marry a non-Gypsy girl, provided she adopts our lifestyle, but it's not okay for a Gypsy girl to marry a non-Gypsy. The old belief is that our blood is passed down thru the father, hence why it's okay for a

I think the mistake you're making (if I'm grasping this correctly) is that you think the people on this show are Gypsies. They are actually a completely seperate ethnic, and racial group with their own seperate culture. We have a history of travelling and are secretive with our culture to protect it. That's about as

BTW, @Ms.Adequate, why would anyone fake being Gypsy? Especially when discussing a show that depicts us as trash?

evolved from the term Gadje, which is the proper Kalderash term for non-Gypsies..Not sure of it's origin, but I'd imagine there is a similar term in punjabi

My dado is Rumney (English Gypsy, from the second largest family there), and me mam was Domari(Middle Eastern Gypsy) and Lotfiko (Rusko Romany, or Russian Gypsies, in Latvia)..So I am not just from one group. Also, most of my family are activists who interact with many different groups in our travels and work. And

THANK YOU! I could not have said it better myself. I have always thought if it weren't for the atrocities they impose on my people, and others (all the African and Indian immigrants), I'd find it laughable that Europe thinks itself the moral police of the world when they are the worst offenders.

Wow..you really know how to stereotype, don't you?
First off, that may be the case for Pavee girls, but in Gypsy families, both the men and the women are bread winners. Second, we don't willingly leave school. We're kicked out by racist school officials. It's fairly common practice throughout all of Europe. And lastly,

We call ourselves Gypsy. And Travellers call themselves Pavee's or just Travellers. Roma is a new term that was brought about by fakers pretending to be our leaders. All the real Gypsies I know who grew up traditional do not use the term Roma.

how fake 'reality' shows *are*.

They aren't Gypsy
They're Irish Travellers. I know how much the Brit's love to group us together, but we are not even the same ethnic background. Travellers are white, while us Gypsies are Asian. We are not the same. Our culture is not the same. Stop rounding us up under the same title. No Gypsy girl would get caught