
Awesome article. I saw them in that same mid 90s era and immediately dropped them when this record hit. I actually still don't like it, but have moved to a place of acceptance with what happen to them and many others, and I don't live in the equivalent of that crumbling warehouse anymore either. I guess we all grow up

Awesome article. I saw them in that same mid 90s era and immediately dropped them when this record hit. I actually still don't like it, but have moved to a place of acceptance with what happen to them and many others, and I don't live in the equivalent of that crumbling warehouse anymore either. I guess we all grow up

I really liked this show, as well as the under-appreciated Platinum Hit. Hope it finds a new home.

I really liked this show, as well as the under-appreciated Platinum Hit. Hope it finds a new home.

I really liked this show, as well as the under-appreciated Platinum Hit. Hope it finds a new home.

You are definitely the most generous reviewer on the AV Club. This whole season was a disaster. The magic of the first season was never matched except for the Jesse/Anthony battle, and then the person who should have won (Jesse) was eliminated in a flip way to end one of the shows? The judges "personalities", the

How I Met Your Mother needs to go. How about props for Friday Night Lights getting the length exactly right. Maybe having cancellation looming at all times but the axe never falling is the secret to success. 

The second part of your post is the correct answer.

Im assuming that was intentional

Fair enough Monty

SafetySuit is on the top 40 but they will pass

Where did you hang out?

You mad?

This might be the best ep of the show yet/ever. I'm so glad that "bro-speak" part was picked up on, because that was DEAD ON and hilarious. Being in Portland I think I know what they were trying to do with the Sandy River bit, but it obv didn't work.

this ep is proof that Sunny has reached a level of success and fandom where they can take a huge shit and undiscriminating fangeeks call it one of the best. Seriously, that was a horrible waste of time. constant cliches, minimal payoff, C-level riffing. Get real people.

I REALLY liked that the ep didn't devolve into the total absurdity that it usually does. Was much more satisfying and who hasn't been wanting to see Mark's azz for years? Only negative was that the au pair was not hot at ALL. Loved the C-plot about Kevin's poor lying ability, and the skill that Ruxin has.

thank you for taking the time to reply. to answer, it's a failed joke. but the point is that this show is packed full of ideas and stuff that is really rare for TV, even in this ep. They aren't all going to work but the art of this show is the ideas, like anything Duplass touches. Watching this show is like listening

Margaret, I'm starting to think you are not the right reviewer for this show. Not for anything related to sex/gender as some have stated above, which is absurd, but because I think you are missing the point. It certainly wasn't the best ep of this, but there were some novel ideas and it was loaded with one liners,

I actually really liked the Reggie character, otherwise this was kind of a throw away

That was easily an "A" ep for me in terms of actual laughs. Ruxin is KILLING it already. I usually dislike the devolution each ep has into totally insane (first season didn't do this as much), but the one this week hit the mark.