
Lots of complaining and nitpicking going on here.  I know it's hard to maintain the quality of season 3 (and even season 4, which I also loved), but even if it's declined a little bit, that doesn't mean the show now sucks, which is how some people apparently feel.  And that's fine.  There's nothing wrong with

So did Reagan. That's who Leslie was channeling according to Mike Schur.

I have a hunch that after half a season of Ann trying to get pregnant and Leslie talking about wanting to start a family with Ben, we're going to get a surprise April pregnancy.  I agree though that we'll still get a Leslie pregnancy arc - something along the lines of wanting to have a baby, but having trouble

I don't get it either. I've had some problems with this season (hated the DC arc for splitting the cast and overall, feel there haven't been enough episodes with the whole ensemble in the same story), but this is still one of my favorite  shows on TV.  Even though this season may not be nearly as strong as season 3,

That could also be said about Ann and April, but by all means, let's continue to pick on Leslie. I do have to say though, I can't help but wonder if the decision to glam up Leslie was at least partially in response to complaints from people on this site and elsewhere that Leslie wasn't pretty/hot/thin/young enough to

I respectfully disagree with a lot that's written in this article, but two things, in particular. First, I have a different take on the election.  Leslie beating a "bunch of simpletons" didn't make her victory any less satisfying. Brandi Maxxxx and some others were never actual contenders. Her only real opponent was

Not just you. Andy and April have had really limited interaction this season.  Same with Leslie and Ben.  With the exception of Ben's Parents and Pawnee Commons, they've spent most episodes this season in different plots and haven't really had a ton of screen time together.