
Children's Hospital would be more entertaining with full frontal nudity.

If by low-rent you mean that Black Ops is actually coherent, internally consistent and self-contained, and doesn't feature 20-minute monologues every 25 minutes, than yes, it's just like a Kojima game.

I have not finished the campaign, but I'm led to understand it's in the 8-hour range.

It's definitely one of the best Nic Cage performances in a long while - before or since.

For me the high point of CoD4 was the sniper mission where you and Price cross that field in your ghillie suits, while the patrolling squadron walks right past you. My pulse was racing and I wasn't even DOING anything.

I remember watching Adaptation for the first time with a friend, and after it was over, he turned and said "I don't think I've ever been made fun of by a movie before. I kind of liked it, but man, kind of fuck that movie."

I first saw this as a kid, so the entire movie was pretty much lost on me. All I knew was that I would get to see Mary Poppins' boobs. And on that count, I enjoyed it.

Does Treyarch hate snipers?
I have mostly been playing Multiplayer, in which I think sniping has been made significantly more challenging (few maps have good long sight lines, and the ones that do are almost too long (WMD) or very hazy at distance (Havana). The multi-zoom scope is a nice addition, but overall

Claymores are a lot more prevalent since they're about the first equipment purchase most players will make. But since you only get one, and don't refill with Scavenger, I actually think they're kind of nerfed.

I would expect he doesn't.

Never seen the Dexter, but that guy was on Oz and didn't have a speech impediment.

That's Turk Turkleton to you, plebes.

Angel Dust's right - you have to have at least one extra peripheral plugged in to play Pro Drums. I'm using a RB2 set, two RB2 expansion cymbals and the extra pedal from my RB1 set (the pedal can be either a second bass or high-hat pedal).

That right there is a winning formula, no doubt about it.

I don't believe that is the case. Source?

Fat, drunk, and afraid to play games online is no way to go through life, son.

Fleeting leaderboard domination
This game gave me an unexpected thrill several times when I'd finish a song (Pro Drums Expert) and the score review would tell me I had a top-10 score on the leaderboards. A few #1s, several 3s and 4s, and a smattering of others.

Play online. Meet new people. Make a band. Rock out. Make friends. Fall in love.

Just an FYI
Depending on how your TV listings work (through PBS or cable or satellite or whatever) this program might not be found under "Sherlock."

I was a subscriber and still have every issue… don't remember any bi-guy pictorials. Certainly some devil's threesomes, but no bi action.