
"Copycat Selina, that's what they'll say. Me Too Meyer. Shit for brains… …No they won't say that."

Isn't that a bit harsh. How about one of the easier ones, like finger.

And have Marwan slip through the perimeter.

More than Agent hotness? Really?

I still believe in my theory that the husband was framed by the nerd (who's the mole of the season) who has the hots for Kate.

NNot to defend the show and its plotholes, but I do suspect the IT guy is the mole (and the one who framed Kates husband out of jealousy) and he might've intentionally helped guide them into the trap.

Don't worry, Gupta will avenge him, when he shows up as this seasons big bad in episode 11.

Dina was more on a morally gray area though, which is highly rare for 24.

The IT guy is the mole. He has the hots for Agent Blondie, so when he was about to get caught prior to the events of this season, he framed her husband with his mad IT skills so he could maintain his cover and swoop in for some sweet newly single Agent Blondie action.

An hour long wedding episode? What is this, The Office?

Blood vs. Water was a good season, but only after it stopped being all about the gimmick. With all new people though, it should be interesting and I don't see why it couldn't work again.

For her lack of self awareness, Kass did make some astute observations every now and then.

I can't believe from all the players in the history of the show, it was Matthew from Amazon who implemented the tactic of making a final 2 deal with the other two contestants and then throwing the final challenge.

Probably that nerd who has a crush on Kate set him up… For love.

Only during todays episode I realized that he was Manmeet.

I guess the poison was already in the glass in a sense that her daughter definitely should've seen that figer move coming.

I bet Sansa didn't enjoy her fingers being cut off though.

I think it might be also the writers way of showing how the powerdynamic between Dany and the people around him has changed. She used to be unsure and vulnerable, now she's the one in control.

There were rumours about an actress on the series refusing to do any more nudity around the filming of season 3. People assumed it was Clarke since she didn't have any nudity in season 2 (while during season 1 she had her magnificent tits out all the time.)

I'm 24 and I still don't swear in fron of my parents..