
Most hilarious twist would've been if his grandmother had actually died during the filming of the season, and then have Dan try to explain that to Jonny Fairplay.

Oh yes. As an NCO I remember how I felt when I first saw this episode.

And behind it, is Wayne Palmer, now with an eyepatch.

No, that was Jonas Hodges.

I've been bingewatching QI lately and I just can't think of him as British PM instead of Stephen Fry being Stephen Fry.

I think it's actually very believeable. Finns, as most Europeans are generally anti-gun and the guns we have are strictly for hunting (of which there is lots, given we have a lot of land considering the amount of people that live here) and sports. Absolutely no one uses guns for "protection" in Finland and by the

It is a thing, but not to any extent here in Finland.

Ken is so in love he's becoming a softy

Those are precicely the reasons I like her..

Her delivery of the line "I'm not going to a fucking gunshow" had me in tears.

I'm from Finland and I think that's my favorite Veep line so far…

As a Finnish person, I don't think they've quite captured our deadpan style of humor, but I couldn't be happier about the Finnish PM:s return. Like Kent, she's not that funny just on her own, but it's how the other characters react to them that makes them comedy gold.

You do realize you're in AV Club right? The place where criticism for Breaking Bad is simply not allowed.

I like kids, but I once visited an African orphanage and it was just overwhelmingexperience. Positive experience, but I can see that it could be very uncomfortable for some people. Especially if they're not experienced with kids.

But he did manage to turn it around a bit, unlike Courtney in China, who just managed to come off as a total f-star-star-cunt when she said she hates kids in her usualy boasty way.

I love kids so I was also a little taken aback by that comment, but at least he managed to be somewhat classy about it, unlike that skeleton bitch from China.

I just once again have to mention the fact that Christina was one of those castaways who just got hotter every day on the island. And she was just incredibly hot to begin with.

The whole Warner family sideplot was probably the best execution of the 24 classic 'civilian family getting mixed up in shit'-side plot during the entire series' run. I still get goosebumps when I just think about the moment where Marie shoots the two guys in the office revealing herself to be the bad guy. 2nd season

I smell a VeeP crossover.

For all the crap 24 gets for it's plotholes and far fetched scenarios, it basically invented the genre of serialized action dramas and because of that, I will always have a tremendous amount of respect for it as a show. And I mean it was simply enjoyable as hell, especially at its best.