
I've found the earlier seasons to have much more rewatching value
compared to the later ones. The edit was much more concerned with the
people rather than twists and scheming. In these later seasons there's often like 10 players we don't really even get to know.

I find Unser and Nero quite likeable. Too bad the focus is always on Tellers.

Dayton Callie continues to be the unsung hero of this show, just like he was on Deadwood.

For some reason I thought they kept doing it until s2 at least, since for me "Betty dumping the trash into nature after a picnic" was the epitome of this trope and if I remember correctly that was season two.

I really like all my picks left in the game (Tyson, Caleb, Vytas) so that works well. Now if I only picked Ciera instead of John for my fourth….

That shit was rigged and I'm still pissed off. I want Brenda back.

Are you referencing to Courtney from China? The original Survivor Skeletor.

And this is now stuck in my head for the next two hours (which is how long it took the bears to figure out how to get a fish biscuit)

Figured out your complicated gizmo, that's how.

It's still the same pretty much. The characters are being fleshed out and we're seeing formulaic episodes establishing the world and the rules. If the main plot starts to kick in real soon I fully believe the show still has every chance to redeem itself, but I'm fairly sure they have to start doing it pretty much now

Grade: B+

As a Whedon/Whedon/Tancharoen fan boy I've definitely been giving this show more rope than usual, in some cases I get it. Especially here because being patient worked with Spartacus and it worked with Dollhouse, but I have to say that I'm starting to lose patience. That being said I'm giving it until the end of first

I'm not entirely unaware of that, I generally fail to see eye to eye with AV Club consensus, especially since this place became the hub for Breaking Bad fanboys. I've always preferred shows like Pushing Daisies and Six Feet Under over shows like Sopranos and Breaking Bad. I do recognize the production values, but

That was the best episode of television I've seen since Rains of Castamere. Goosebumps for the last ten minutes straight. That's something not many shows can achieve. And since in AV Club everything is about Breaking Bad and someone is going to lose their shit over it, I'll go ahead and say it, Breaking Bad is not one

I'm waiting for Tara to wear a yellow power loader and shout "Get away from them you bitch" to Gemma threatening her kids.

It's probably a blessing that I'm not American while watching the show this season. To me the election storyline seems completely plausible, simply because I have no clue whatsoever how these election things work in America.

I enjoyed her delivery of "Your boss is calling" almost as much as I did her looks.

Calebs play was also perfectly timed and he was not the person who was
going home that time. If you're the one who everybody's gunning for,
everything you say at tribal is just white noise.

You two just keep staring at each other…. At least until I've clubbed her to the head and dragged her to my cave.

He was in an impossible corner. According to his twitter feed, he was so sure about being voted off, he even stole a blanket from the camp for Redemption Island. Baller move, I hope he comes back