
I think he felt like he was by proxy cheering for Brad, his real love.

I really like the slow building on that show. And even when the plot isn't that gripping, the production values and occasional gangster tommygun badassery alone make it a period piece worth to watch.

It's also a way to film all Jason Segel stuff as quickly as possible, busy as he is. In last nights episode 90% of his scenes were him sitting at the basketball game, probably done in one sitting too.

My only beef with this three day structure is that after last years finale I was really hoping to see a full year of Ted falling in love with the mother and her slowly getting to be a part of the gang.

I really enjoyed how Cranston was able to get furious as Druthers, without still having the menacing Heisenberg eyes. Might be the music and directing also helped, but he is just so good.

I've been meaning to watch that since I've highly enjoyed Julianna Margulies in everything I've seen her previously. But I also try to steer clear from network dramas, since they very rarely meet my expectations.

Lifetime expectancy for people mentioning Breaking Bad in a negative light in AV Club is about two hours these days. It used to be about twenty minutes when it was still on.

If there's a better show on right now, let me know. I've had about a dozen on my roster this fall and it's still better than any of the others I watch.

I actually found this the weakest of the season as well. Still a good episode, but not on par with the few eps before this one. Was kind of sad to see how fast Kenny fucked up his own show after being incredibly good as a sidekick for so long. I guess it makes sense since he's under a lot of pressure with the divorce

She's not really an angel herself, but I don't think anyone deserves Kenny Powers.

If an element is repeated it doesn't necessarily mean it can't also be innovative. The second season two parter finale is still one of the highest points in the brief history of Community.

I know about your youtube channel.

After gagbysmal seasons 3 and 4 and Harmons comments about the latest season, I have really hard time anticipating this season with eagerness, which is too bad since I really liked seasons 1 and 2. At this point the amount of booked guest stars for the season seem almost desperate, especially because the show is just

I just lost it when McPoyles started clapping for the handie.Otherwise I agree on this being a weker episode.

I won't deny it. I'm a fan of Joss Whedon, to the extent where I'm utterly incapable of any sort of objective criticism when it comes to his shows and thinking that he is still involved allows me to give this show more slack than I'd give most other shows. I see potential in this and I've seen quick glimpses of how

Well he is still the co-producer. And showrunners Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen have worked closely with Joss on his previous projects (and Spartacus) so the show is still in pretty good hands.

He co-produces so it's safe to assume that he still has some input and some other commenter mentioned here already, that he's reading the scripts and giving notes on them. Don't know how what's the source for that, but I'd like to believe it.

I was wondering whether I'm just a sentimental easily moved fool, or was this a really good episode?

Didn't really bother me either. I think it's quite premature to be
bothered by a storyline that so far taken 20 seconds of screen time. Especially since Homeland is really good (if not best) at making its viewers look to the left and going right instead.

I was tolerating her until the fuckfest-storyline, but this week I just hated her. It's not only that her storyline is just pointless and boring anymore, but she's starting to become a repulsive person as well. Thank the lords of Kobol all the other stuff has been working so well, this episode was still a B+ for me.