
And since he's always such a doormat in life, you just know that he likes it rough.

Everybody is getting so hung up on the pregnancy storyline. I to be honest forgot about the whole thing until I came here.

I'm simply flabbergasted how good this fourth season has been and how it has been dramatically and comedically hitting every note. Another great episode, didn't see that hot mic thing at the end coming at all even though I totally should've since they laid the ground for it earlier in the episode (I was thinking

Totally agree, too many times we've seen the scenario where an offspring goes to college yet still hangs around her/his parents all the time (or even gets kicked out and has to move back in with their parents). I think the Parenthood approach to this is refreshing.

When I initially picked my team without looking at the teams that were already picked, I had the same exact team as you have. I ended up dropping Aras for John. I guess there's still hope for me if John wins the duel next week, all of my players are still in the game.

You keep using that word. But I don't think it means what you think it means.

Still probably is my favorite show of this decade, alongside Mad Men, Justified and first season of Game of Thrones.

Please don't let this fuckfest thing die.. Ever.

It does cheapen the film in a way when they do that. Pronouncing Finnish badly I can understand since it's one of the hardest languages to learn, but e.g. in Swordfish they didn't even try. The characters were just speaking gibberish. I mean do they care that little about the details? It's just sloppy and lazy.

True, I guess I kind of forgot Russel and his ultra-aggressive gameplay was fun to watch the first time. But yeah, he's played the game three times and is extremely petty and a sore loser. I think everyone grew tired of him.

Fact is, most of the times in American television shows, nobody really
seems to do research about the foreign languages. I've heard my native language spoken several times in different TV-shows and movies and it's always been just either made up gibberish, or so badly pronounced it's completely undecipherable. The

True, that was gold. I also enjoyed Andre as a comedian. They've been shitting way too much on Andre lately. It doesn't feel like a natural group dynamic anymore. Andre wouldn't be their friend in real life. I mean sure there's someone in every group of friends who always gets to be the butt of the joke, but at the

Aras is so much more likeable, but Tyson is so much better television.

He totally is an asshole, I think everyone agrees on that.

Bunch of slack jawed tribemates around here.

That was my first thought as well. Especially If I was Monica, after the first clue it was obvious that she'd receive one next week as well.

Yeah, I don't want to be on top anyway. That's not where you want to be in a game of Survivor. Right? Aras said it so it must be true.

I find that highly unlikely, even though she bollocksed up the puzzle too a couple of times.

I think Tina is such an old school players from the earlier seasons, when the game wasn't as ruthless as it is now. She is very loyal and a little gullible. I think she was just trying to be honest, rather than a 'snitch'.

Would make sense, if Latvian Ice Hockey team is any indication, most of their names end in the letter 's'.