
It didn't feel like Sunny as usual. The plot of the episode seemed like something that was actually plotted beforehand and there was no shouting over each other like usual. Might be just the placebo effect, but I think it was noticeable that the episode was written by outsiders.

I was secretly hoping for a crossover. Too bad the League has been in a bit of a slump this season

Patience my children patience.

I just went ahead and rewatched the end scene of the season premiere. Didn't think it would work to be honest, but it totally did.
You can see that she is not at all surprised by Saul's testimony. She is just overwhelmed and in disbelief of the reality of the situation. Blew my mind.

What I remember from Breaking Bad is us seeing Walters glasses in the evidence bag in the flashforward, only to have the audience find out ten episodes later that it was just all a big coincidence involving a plane crash. That sure raised the bar for long cons…

I didn't like him in the first few episodes tbh. But he quickly grew on me and now I find him absolutely essential to the show.

We also have cake, donkey shows and mötley crüe.

I had forgotten why I unsubscribe from shows that have ended.

That is Whedons m.o. though. First a few stand alone episodes that establish the world, gets you interested in the characters, and then the main plot is kicked off.

The actor playing Ward is really down with the Whedonesque dialogue though. Especially the more laconic and witty stuff.

And she was looking for her pepileptic dog.

Yeah, I actually like twizzlers, but I wouldn't call it licorice.

As a Finn I find that blasphemous. Licorice should taste like salt, tar and tears.

Slowly and steadily wotking my way up… Or at least I would've been were John not fucked over last night.

Looking forward to that one since it's written by Benioff/Weiss.

I'm not that broken up about BrBa ending. What I hate these days is the shows that overstay their welcome. 5 seasons was a perfect length for Breaking Bad. And for hardcore fans, there's always reruns and blurays. I too might rewatch it from Netflix, in a few years, after I've forgotten what it was about.

Why is there a picture of Petyr Baelish in this article

That's pretty common for Whedon though. Actors like Enver Gjokaj, Dichen Lachman, Summer Glau, Sean Maher, Alan Tudyk…. turned out to be amazing under his wing, even though they weren't that well known before.

I hated Topher at first as well… Now I know better.

He's okay for short skits and songs and funny youtube videos, but I would not watch a show starring Andy Samberg.