
As a 26 year old, I can't believe that Tom Delonge was 26 when Box Car Racer became a thing.

I hope it's not "to show a different view of the world"

It's weird to see the ghost of his old set but with a new desk and decorations.

"Keep it 100" has the potential to be a great source of awkward and funny moments on the show. Also, as someone who works in TV production, I'm not sure how I like usual over-the-shoulder graphics being on the bottom left of the screen in the headlines section.

Maybe having the live action ending of Lego Movie eliminated it from being considered? The Academy has stupid rules sometimes.

Having a father that used to teach at the FBI Academy, this really isn't that strange.  The atmosphere of the classes there (at least my dad's) aren't too much different than those of a college classroom.  So the instructer probably just used Portlandia episodes to lighten the mood, not really to teach anything (if

"Why is this movie on your bucket list?"