
They swing their arms forward, and the additional weight gives you momentum. It's like trying to throw a frisbee versus a discus. Obviously if the weights are so heavy that you can't carry them, it does not work.

I ran Race for the Cure the year my best friend died from breast cancer (two years ago this month). I did a lot of races (running, triathlon, swimming) that year, mostly because it kept my mind off the fact that my friend was dying and then dead (I spent a lot of time with her too before the end). So it helped me, but

I ran Race for the Cure the year my best friend died from breast cancer (two years ago this month). I did a lot of races (running, triathlon, swimming) that year, mostly because it kept my mind off the fact that my friend was dying and then dead (I spent a lot of time with her too before the end). So it helped me, but

Dear lord, this really looks good, AND I can take my kid. I'm kinda gettin' misty eyed.

Dear lord, this really looks good, AND I can take my kid. I'm kinda gettin' misty eyed.

I'm a woman, but thanks.

I'm a woman, but thanks.

Should mention that I was watching the BBC version, and I don't know what was cut from the American broadcast.

Should mention that I was watching the BBC version, and I don't know what was cut from the American broadcast.

It should not have been too hard for Molly to find a body in the morgue to stand in for Sherlock, since Moriarty must have hired a double for Sherlock to kidnap the children, and then killed him afterward to cover his footsteps (breadcrumbs?). I think if you look closely, you will also find that the shirt on the dead

It should not have been too hard for Molly to find a body in the morgue to stand in for Sherlock, since Moriarty must have hired a double for Sherlock to kidnap the children, and then killed him afterward to cover his footsteps (breadcrumbs?). I think if you look closely, you will also find that the shirt on the dead

Not so faithful an adaptation. They got the color of the cat wrong. That's a big problem since buttercup is one of the only characters to make it through to the end of the series alive. Why would anyone name a black and white cat Buttercup? Were there no ginger cats available for the job?

My primary memory of The English Patient was my husband saying "Whoa!" when Kristen Scott Thomas stood up stark naked from the bath tub (and my disappointment that Ralph Feinnes did not do the same). Thank god we were watching it at home. Overall, though, I think we both liked it OK, but it's no David Lean film (just

In know this string is pretty old, but I just finished the book, and I thought it was fantastic. I only wish I was still a college student so I could spend hours discussing it in my self-conscious literature class (instead of spending hours discussing biochemistry, which is also fun, but still). I really think the AV

It was a fun upbringing. I learned to love horror, but I did not get much sleep. That same summer I read my first Lovecraft …

And Venn diagram fans as well.

Regarding motivation, if my memory serves me from the novella, the ship that crashed was a prison ship (or some type of ship for containment of undesirable species). The Thing was a prisoner, and it's escape may have prompted the crash. Assimilation of other species is how it reproduces. It's motivation is no more a