
Is that on the internet?

Hang on, I was thinking of something else.

This is an activity in which I also occasionally partake.

I'm sure Art just wants to have some master tapes that he owns instead of Capitol, but I couldn't make it through the whole record.

Some sequelitis setting in — more explosions, less talking — but still quite good fun.

Yes, thanks. I typically expect only snark around these parts.

Do people still say that?

I had almost forgotten the little-known sequel to 'Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia.'

FWIW (not much, granted), I interviewed Dave for a magazine article a few months ago. He was, you'll be very surprised to learn, totally nice. Called me "dude" a lot, apologized for being fantastically overcaffeinated, seemed to be enjoying his day to the fullest.

Thing about that is, in all the stuff I've seen, heard and read about Dave over the years, I only learned what a dick he was about replacing William Goldsmith from … 'Back and Forth,' the authorized documentary owned by Dave, over which he had total approval and final edit.

Much like Jack Donaghy and Devon Banks, Bane and Batman can settle it with a TALKING LIKE THIS CONTEST.


[FADE IN on Paul Simon clapping onstage while the entire cast, dressed in bee costumes, gathers behind him.]

M:I2 had Thandie Newton, which goes a long way with me. Not far enough, but a good damn way.

Also, Frankenstein is the DOCTOR's name, not the monster's. Oh, and you stand ON a podium; you stand BEHIND a lectern.

Short answer: yes. They're both kinda like the first one without the endless campy twist endings.

I had the same thought during 'Born on the Fourth of July.' I should be able to totally fuck up TC in a wheelchair!

The subsequent three movies have suffered from a conspicuous lack of Emmanuelle Béart, I'll tell you that much.

What would we argue about?

I recently watched 'The Wizard of Oz' for the first time in years and suddenly noticed that Toto is the only one who actually does anything.