
Do NOT read this comment while driving or you might run off the road!

I'll only go if I can spend the entire movie yelling "ELOPE, YOU DIPSHITS!"


If GNR played the Superbowl halftime would have to be after midnight, so I think that's a nonstarter.

Tommy Stinson better get there one way or the other.

I hope they do the part where Buckethead puts up a chicken coop in the studio and watches porn.

Oh, Canada.

Veronica Mars is investigating the bus crash.

He's not one to look on the bright side.

Tha Lonely Donkey Kong, live and uncut!

Spotify is the best thing that ever happened to me. Demand it!

It's on Amazon and iTunes, if you'd like to both download it and pay for it.

Why didn't I think of this? I'm going to start insulting people in the broadest and least interesting ways possible, secure in the knowledge that I can then say "no offense" and my target will be perfectly OK with it.

By this point in his presidency Reagan had taken 112 vacation days, almost twice as many as Obama.

I drink your milkshake, Fozzie! I drink it up!

Can I ask you a question I've always wanted to ask the real Batman?

Now I know Batman is in it!

This exchange from MTI never fails to put a smile on my face …

Replying is too good for you, cunt.
