
OK, so as far as I can figure is that this picture was taken in the boardroom of a religious organization called Living Waters, where he had come for an interview. Apparently they (all … three of them?) greeted him with the birthday cake and the other inexplicable lunch items. It was taken by a guy called Lane Chaplin

44th kill!

Susanna Hoffs AND Rosanna Arquette? Just how horny are you trying to make the circa-1986 version of me?

What does that MEAN?!?

Probably 'Last Clear Chance.'

In any event, hello to Jason Isaacs.

I dunno, I think 'Merlin's…' — the movie itself, I mean — is just too mean-spirited and dark to be a welcoming introduction. Same with, say, 'Manos' or 'Bloodlust.'

I do still have my Crow "YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME, BABY!"  T-shirt, which has held up well. A quality garment.

I tried watching 'Starfighters' a few nights ago and literally couldn't get through it all because I couldn't understand the muddy dialogue. But before I gave up I was delighted to notice a gag they re-used for the movie: "I'd like to thank me for flying Me Airlines!"

Whenever I'm feeling down and low, I just remember that nobody knows my true identity: TURKEY VOLUME GUESSING MAN!

"Good morning, Dr. Meacham!"
"Good morning, voice!"
"Hope you slept well!"
"Because it's time to die!"

I've been in a deep depression for a couple of months, so it's been MST3K pretty much every night for me. On heavy rotation: 'Riding With Death,' 'Agent from HARM' and 'The Undead.'

Too painful.

This movie tested well with sexual predators.

I recall someone from the show saying they regretted having to make fun of the band in 'Horror at Party Beach' because they actually weren't that bad. I would sorta kinda concur.

"Open wide, Dino!"
"Well, thank you very much!"

Can't miss with 'Werewolf.' The credits sequence is the single funniest minute and a half of MST3K history.

I'll go for 'Spring Fever' as well. "Where does Coily fit into God's plan for us?"

Couldn't die or wouldn't die?

I hate the outside. Screw you, outside!