
I still follow his instructions: "A Manhattan you shake to foxtrot time, a Bronx to two-step time, a dry martini you always shake to waltz time." 

All the 'Apes' movies are in an endlessly looping timeline, so I'd say continuity is always fungible.


We can't help but wonder: How big is Liam Neeson's cock?



Fine, tell us about your band.

I was 12, and she drop-kicked me ever so sweetly through the goalposts of puberty.

If any piece of art requires the presence of an unexpected twist to be worth enjoying …
… it's probably not that great anyway. I enjoy a good twist, but if a movie falls apart upon the second viewing it was subpar to begin with.

Dammit, I am not going to ask about your band.

As O'Neal grows bolder, he grows stronger.

Listen to the Bugle instead. Sometimes he sings! Maybe too often!

A fair point, well made.

I'll never see this movie one way or another, but I do appreciate it when reviewers make note of the quality of the 3-D, especially as regards the dimness of it. I actually think the format has potential, but it's being smothered in the crib by sloppy execution.

Hip does not equal hop.

I enjoy the pretension, although they're insufferable when the subject is academia itself — as it is with unaccountable frequency.

first 'The Love Guru,' and now this
John Oliver's movie career is not working out as I'd hoped.

O'Neal is demonstrating a great knack for obits, which is why I suspect him of MURDER.

Also a valid response to the question "Where did the bee land?"

Anytime I say Pearl Jam is my favorite band I fully expect for an army of hipsters to rise up and tell me how lame I am.