
It's actually the RIAA. Of course.

Sweet Jesus, I live in Tennessee and I actually have an uncle named Ronnie. Can't imagine him liking 'Dexter,' though.

It would appear that we're doomed.

In related news, if you smoke like I smoke, then you're high like every day.

Precisely, you are shitting yourself over anything. Thank you for confirming that.

Could you not at least go jerk off every now and then, just to calm yourself? Must every comment be trolled?

The fairness doctrine is dead and it's not coming back, so you can stop shitting yourself over that and start shitting yourself over whatever new paranoia tomorrow brings.

I would love to hit some of these assholes with a dead cat.

"'What's Happening' also taught me that black folks love Michael MacDonald."

not so fast
The only reason the first one wound up making so much money was good word of mouth. If word of mouth is bad on this one it might not get far past $135 million. (The first one opened with $44 million and built to 10 times that on word of mouth and repeat customers.) Of course, I guess that's enough — but

"Imagine Pete Townshend making every track on Who By Numbers sound like 'Blue, Red, And Grey,' and doubling the track list."
Yo, I would love to hear that.

"Muster the juice" must be a euphemism for something.

'ReLoad' is better than 'Load.'

I am and have been for many years a devoted Metallica fan. But did I download "I Disappear" from Napster to spite them? I did.

Natalie Portman yelling "All the kids looking up to me can suck my dick!" is funnier when you get to see the little girl dressed as Queen Amidala.

But my favorite Bill Withers quote remains:

John Cage "4'33""

And yes, I have been known to strategically buy a dance when the DJ starts what I know is a long song.

"Shape of My Heart" by Sting.

I've interviewed Slash a couple of times, and he seemed like a friendly fellow.