
Where's the Garmy when you need 'em?

To put it delicately, I would hit that so hard that whoever pulled me out would be king of England.

2. 'Basic Rocket Science'
1. Every other episode (tie)

Not a bit like Cagney.

Because the person that was used as a human shield was married to Osama fucking bin Laden?

The prime directive surely applies here.

I believe it was DJ Glove whose recklessness was at issue.

Gangstas love to feud!

Anything but the studio cut. In fact, if you do get an edition that includes it, pretend it doesn't exist.

I would enjoy seeing the SNL audience regaled with "Put It In My Video."

I found the five-disc Blu-Ray edition for the damn reasonable price of $28, so you might want to dig around.

Sheeeeeit, if this is gonna be that kind of party…

Their PR firm says they're not doing much promotion, which seems sort of ominous.

I'm glad they made another record, because clearly the people they want more of this.

you know who should hang out?
Tyler Perry, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry and Steve Perry.

No use, Joker! I knew you'd employ your sneezing powder, so I took an Anti-Allergy Pill! Instead of a sneeze, I've caught you cold!

And as for the television's so-called "plan," Batman has no jurisdiction.

In related news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

Well, thanks for checking in.

"Shit, Ren, is that you? Yeah, I'll buy one of your newspapers."