Postmodern Motherfucker

"David Cross." Just what they want us to think.

They should have dressed up as cops instead, just think of what they could have done.

No, that's soylent green.

All I knew about that show is it involves Bono's daughter. Steven Soderbergh has a show?!

Kind of want to hear this but not fucking signing up for Tidal just to do so, and can't be bothered to torrent it either. Guess I'll be revisiting Yeezus instead.

I thought the implication was the solo career, though granted he didn't specifically say that. And yes, The Nasty Bits is a pretty bad fake name.

The A.V. Club
Crazy people who think they are smarter than everybody else.

Come on, Undercover wasn't all bad.

Sure, but I got the feeling they were going for the former with the Nasty Bits (by the way: Anthony Bourdain reference?), kind of a Dead Boys vibe though they started out around '76. The singer even said something about how he liked Iggy only with the Stooges, though the first solo Iggy record would still be three

Oh, this sounds cool.

I've seen Breaking Bad and Fargo and both were great, but Vinyl was even better. Haven't seen Hannibal and never even heard of Sense8; will have to check them out.

Killer soundtrack and everything but just look at this fucking show. I don't watch a lot of TV but I can't think of any other show with this number of "Holy shit look at that" visual moments.

The Nasty Bits seemed a little anachronistic for 1973, like a band that wouldn't have appeared for another three or four years.

Was kinda hoping for a Can reference.

Death Grips doing "Revolution No. 9," please.

First time I heard Muse, I thought to myself, "Hmm, never heard this The Bends-era b-side before.

"The Sorrows of Young Caillou."

"This guy, Fuchs!"

Fucking skipper drank it all with Mary Ann.