
It is a show that if you like, you'll most likely love it. I have rarely met someone who doesn't like it, but many that find it hit-or-miss.

Despite me not being nearly as funny as Ken Tremendous, I want to do this FJM style.

"But you want to fill it with Pussy"

"But you want to fill it with Pussy"

Wasn't 'Pop-Pop: The Final Solution' the season premiere?

Wasn't 'Pop-Pop: The Final Solution' the season premiere?

Good catch.

Good catch.

I believe Dennis was a Psych minor, while Dee was a Psych major, but dropped out halfway through, leading to their Minor vs. Half-Major argument back in Season One or Two.

I believe Dennis was a Psych minor, while Dee was a Psych major, but dropped out halfway through, leading to their Minor vs. Half-Major argument back in Season One or Two.

He wasn't by the gym teacher, but it is heavily hinted at that his Uncle molested him.

He wasn't by the gym teacher, but it is heavily hinted at that his Uncle molested him.

I agree in that I didn't expect this from Sunny (though Sunny is far smarter than it is given credit for), but that doesn't suddenly make what Sunny did 'lazy' while make what Community does 'the greatest thing EVAR'

I agree in that I didn't expect this from Sunny (though Sunny is far smarter than it is given credit for), but that doesn't suddenly make what Sunny did 'lazy' while make what Community does 'the greatest thing EVAR'

There was a similar moment at the beginning of CharDee MacDennis, which is actually where I thought they were going with that scene, that someone would suggest they play the game.

There was a similar moment at the beginning of CharDee MacDennis, which is actually where I thought they were going with that scene, that someone would suggest they play the game.

Does it. Sunny rarely has season-long arcs anyway. The season premieres are rarely special or different from middle-of-the-season episodes. Last year's was Frank's Pretty Woman, for instance.

Does it. Sunny rarely has season-long arcs anyway. The season premieres are rarely special or different from middle-of-the-season episodes. Last year's was Frank's Pretty Woman, for instance.

I get the joke, but for me it went on a little too long. It was a little unnecessary. I liked the beginning of Frank's monologue, where he points out that this is where the murders runoff to. If they just made it Frank giving a Frank-like tour of Philly, it would have been great.

I get the joke, but for me it went on a little too long. It was a little unnecessary. I liked the beginning of Frank's monologue, where he points out that this is where the murders runoff to. If they just made it Frank giving a Frank-like tour of Philly, it would have been great.