Doner Kebab Party

I saw They Might Be Giants twice in 1994 on either side of the release of John Henry. Ever since Lincoln I tried to see them every time they came to the Amherst-Northampton area.

I would definitely choose seeing Pulp Fiction again, only this time I'd ride my bike to the theater and not take the bus, avoiding the five people in the back who loudly spoiled key parts of the film as soon as they got on.

Asked about Gravity Falls merchandise on a trip to Disney World in December. Saw plenty of P&F merch, but not a single Mystery (S)hack t-shirt which I would have snapped up immediately. The manager at one of the many many fine establishments set up to take your money and give you stuff with branded characters on them

The Shakespeareans in S3 are just as obnoxious to the musical kids as the kids are to them (Stink bombs at rehearsal? Really?) and any two theater groups will grow instinctively competitive when vying for preferred performance space. I thought S&A was mostly even-handed in its treatment of both sides, though we are

I figured Agent Sawicki for a goner once we learned his part in the hit was to distract Masseria's bodyguards by flashing his Probie badge at them. That's a sacrifice bunt right there.

I figured Agent Sawicki for a goner once we learned his part in the hit was to distract Masseria's bodyguards by flashing his Probie badge at them. That's a sacrifice bunt right there.

"I'm a changed man, Nardo! So howzabout we step into my office for a little oomox?"

"I'm a changed man, Nardo! So howzabout we step into my office for a little oomox?"

Something tells me this show wouldn't know an anvil if it repeatedly fell on them while  the orchestra played Verdi.

Something tells me this show wouldn't know an anvil if it repeatedly fell on them while  the orchestra played Verdi.

There goes an ophthamologist!

There goes an ophthamologist!