Grizard the Wizard Bear

McGee's complaints make no sense. Next week's the denouement, the aftermath. Stating that the "impact" of this battle hasn't been felt is like turning off an action movie after its biggest explosion and saying, "But what did it mean??"

McGee's complaints make no sense. Next week's the denouement, the aftermath. Stating that the "impact" of this battle hasn't been felt is like turning off an action movie after its biggest explosion and saying, "But what did it mean??"

Poor woman's the Pete Best of her own life.

Poor woman's the Pete Best of her own life.

But Eleanor was also FDR's cousin. Roosevelt wasn't just her married name, it was her birth name too.

But Eleanor was also FDR's cousin. Roosevelt wasn't just her married name, it was her birth name too.

From spider monkeys to spider holes.

Hey, dude's got an aura to protect. A pasty, pasty aura.

One day you'll escape from that cocoon of cynicism, Sean. One day you'll be a beautiful butterfly…

It's like Batman said: You either die a Seymour Skinner, or live long enough to see yourself become an Armin Tamzarian.

You should know that Jack White's paleness connotes his status as a member of the leisured gentry, unburdened by the common fieldwork of the peasant classes.

This episode couldn't possibly have undergone the Six Days to Air process, at least not in full. They were showing snippets of Cartman going down the zipline back before the season even started, and the live action sequences almost certainly predate last Thursday.

Ryan McGee doesn't understand. Ryan McGee wants answers, dammit.

And I hated the season debut and loved last week's episode. Here's the reality of the situation - South Park is one of the most consistent shows on television. Every season has ups and downs, and nobody is ever sure which are which.

(double-post, my bad)

Ryan McGee thinks Marcus Gilmer broke the continuity of the review page.


I Have No Case and I Must Sue.

That said, it's hard to think of a band that was bigger than Nirvana in 1994. That's like not knowing who Michael Jackson is in the 80s. There reaches a point of saturation where cultural knowledge is inescapable.

Is this comment a reference to that article about how every band is either a "Wilco" or a "Radiohead?" That was on AV Club, right?