Grizard the Wizard Bear

"Pop" = comic book
"Rock" = graphic novel
"Rap" = that newfangled jungle music

My favorite hair style is bald.

1) Yes 2) Maybe 3) No

I was hoping for something more along the lines of the title screen for Mario 64.

They let women do television?

I still can't decide if The Heart, She Holler is endearingly weird or weirdly endearing.

One of my best friends went to high school with these guys in Minnetonka. I don't really have anything more to say on the topic. Feel free to figure out how Doomtree relates to Kevin Bacon, so I can know which degree I am.

Only after Adult Swim turns it down first, for being "conventional to the excess."

Raise a toast to St. Joe Strummer.

I'm a college student who just got home for Thanksgiving break. I can get away with sleeping in today.

The good news is that the welfare office is open until 5.

AGH! I slept until 1pm! I've missed a whole day of leaving sarcastic comments on the internet.

These kill ratings would make for a great unnecessary and off-topic Bill Simmons article on Grantland if you could just find some way to turn it into a Terra Nova Character Kill Fantasy League.

I assume my Criterion worshiping Film as Literature professor will still be around to facilitate an engaging discussion on narrative ambiguity's symbolic connection to the duality of the soul.

The scene with the cigarette burns was penis always one of my favorites.

Isn't "superdeformed" also the term used to describe super-kawaii anime characters? I'm really glad you went Matthew Sweet over bobblehead Vegeta on this one.

For a couple seconds there, I thought you had said that you wanted to stuff Keira Knightley into your butt.

True enough. And mine was always really reserved for my sexy mother anyway.

That would require hipsters to make an investment in their art, rather than just collect the artistic works of others in an outdated medium from the novelties section by the register at Urban Outfitters.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang
But with Adam Sandler in the new smash comedy hit Jack and Jill.