Grizard the Wizard Bear

That sounds like the exact opposite of a problem.


Sinbad's street accreditation has never been higher! Buy fly! Sell ill!

Q: How did our eyes get so red?
Q: What the hell is on Joey's head?


He had a potential girlfriend named Lisa and he's wearing pseudo-flood pants?

The reel, like, exploded or something when I went to see Daredevil in theaters. Cut out right after the Evanescence song. The manager gave us all vouchers to come back for another screening. I'm still not sure how that was supposed to help.

Digital cinema isn't just progress, it's very late vengeance for Alfredo from Cinema Paradiso.

You were first in failed firsties, first in self-awareness of failed firsties, and first in the hearts of your fellow commenters.

What brand of cigar best embodies the subconscious boner she's giving me?

And also, is that true, really? If the game were 200 years old, and bowling were no longer prevalent - extinct even - would I still use present tense?

DTH…down to handshake?

Katy Perry b(.)(.)bs.

Picture lady is attractive.

I prefer the patented swirl.

Johnny Bravo forever.

I am honestly surprised to learn that people enjoy Klaus. I stand corrected.

I've always figured the mother comes in sometime after Josh Radnor is killed by Cybermen and regenerates as Bob Saget.

No, no, that's Steamy Ray Vaughan. Stevie Ray Vaughan just sort of craps in his britches.

Heck and yeah.