Grizard the Wizard Bear

If there's one thing about Family Guy the AV Club seems to tolerate, it's the Brian and Stewie dynamic.


I always really wanted to watch this. I guess I have a built-in motivator now.

Dude, seriously, what is your fucking problem? You're like this on literally every thread.

I'm all over that, pal.

Meet the old Boss, now the very, very old Boss.

It's not just that Family Guy can't do serious; they can't even hold down basic characterization any longer. That's why everyone short of Stewie has devolved into either a rapist, a brain-dead degenerate, a shrill whore or Patrick Warburton screaming for no reason/

I don't know, I would ordinarily agree with you, but these weren't even half-formed stereotypes. They were like quarter-formed stereotypes. Read: Not Goddamn funny.

I'm liking your thread because you've become such a confrontational douche that you're actually fighting yourself now.


They're so po-mo.

I think I hate Family Guy's forays into liberal social commentary more than anything else they do, and it's not even a political thing. It's how lazy, weak-ass and nonsensical their observations are. Consider the multiverse episode, where MacFarlane takes a cheap jab at religion by postulating that we'd be living in

Allow me to Hazard a guess……..

The prevalence of bowling represented the prevalence of bowling in contemporary society.

Alright, Dickus, I say this only because I'm thin-skinned enough to be bothered by anonymous internet comments. I made a serious effort to produce a humorous comment. It was not intended to be nonsense. Evidently, it was nonsensical enough to annoy a Whovian, a loaf of bread and a guy named after a Monty Python joke.



The writers are left to deal with the sticky residue of MacFarlane association as well.

Was anyone else aroused by Stan getting low, getting low, shorty get low, low, low?

What a productive thread.