Grizard the Wizard Bear

No, CoD changes all of the maps, but there's a difference. AC is still an inherently single player gravitated experience, whereas CoD exists almost solely for online multiplayer.

Majora's still the best post-Ocarina in my mind. For a game built around recycled OoT assets, it was probably the most original.

"It’s a soothing respite from GTA’s pompous self-seriousness."


It's pronounced Nen-ten-doh. All of them are pronounced Nen-ten-doh.

Assassin's Creed has followed Call of Duty's Maddenification process to a tee. Ought to just start titling them A'SC '13 and A'SC '14 from here out.


are you the one

Pop Pilgrims calls this "The Wilco Episode." Expect a still from it played over five minutes of that one song sometime next summer.

I hear that.

Everyone was so up in arms over Celda, that they forgot the real villain in Wind Wakergate: Goddamn Triforce Shard Hunting.

Now if Nintendo could just find a way to release a new Mario or Zelda game every single week, they'd really be cooking!*

I remember everybody at my Jewish kid day camp in New Jersey being super pissed about the Terrance and Phillip dupe. But, thankfully, we all blew off steam by listening to some Big Willie Style and trading our Crazy Bones before Shabbat services.

Super Bowl XL
Grey's Anatomy imagined first minute lesbian bathtub scene.

I think you'll be especially surprised then with the results of your CancerAIDS screening.

This was a good interview.

I wrote my reply about the same time he wrote his, so, nah, missed that one.

You deserve points for the Good Omens pun, intentional or otherwise.

You're clearly not writing what you wrote clearly.