Grizard the Wizard Bear

This is my favorite episode of all time. Brilliant, Goddamn heartbreaking ending, even by adult standards.

I enjoy that he was able to call you like that. He didn't even need to say your name three times while looking in a mirror.

Brett Butler is in trouble? Someone's got to help him! I love that dude!

This is why the 90s can't have nice Youtubes.

Well, I mean, when you think about it, it really should be Grizzard with two 'z's anyway.

He was a Morrisey fan at heart, it's clear. He searched and found an enormous and unsettling collection of Morrisey hairs. He spent ten long years building his cloning machine, but now he's realized his incredible dream.

"They totally are!!" Gizard the Wizard Bear ejaculated loudly, as he flushed scarlet.

I read Ender's Game and absolutely hate, hate, hate, hate, HATED it.

Needs more Jesse Eisenberg macaws.

Horrible, degrading story, bro.

Yes, it's a euphemism for riding a bicycle back and forth for six hours along Route 3 with a Magby or Slugma in your party. And also for compulsive alcoholism.

You used to be a teenage girl? Congratulations on your recovery.

Ha, Indiana Beach. More than corn, indeed, my friend. More than corn, indeed.

This makes me so mad I could punch Robert Pattinson right in his stupid face. His stupid, sexy, glorious, chiseled from marble, Adonis face.

Don't blame Stephenie (Christ, is that really how she spells it?), blame your failed novel's denominator for not being least common enough.

Like Seymour Skinner, I've always admired a woman's ability to be personally offended by broad social trends.

Haha, Dick Hatch.

I told you not to touch fuzzy! I warned you!

I think that was O'Neal snark, which has become so thick and layered that I'm no longer sure where newswires end and deep, pathological cynicism begins.

But that big gay naked tax evader guy will always be their Kelly Clarkson.