Grizard the Wizard Bear

/Mouth gapes open in bland astonishment for entire 117 minute runtime

Taylor Lautner….imprinted vampire baby….Jerry Sandusky….I don't know. What the hell are we supposed to say about this series that the rest of the internet hasn't already?

Hey, hey, I'm the Wizard Bear, people say I'm wizardbearing around.

A Fuller Munster Reimaginvention? I'm down.

Did we think it was good, or are we jacking off to BatmanKenny? Can't we do both?

Well, yeah. Wouldn't want the Ryan McGee tin foil hat continuity patrol to be able to see into my house.

The United Atheist Alliance takes offense to your comments.

Is Kenny dead for real?

Hey S.P., got last month's figures in. Nice work pushing the blog screenshots at the POS. Drawer came out nice and even too.

What continuity? I actually shuttered when Mysterion appeared because I knew it would provide the reviewers on this site with more supposed evidence that Stan's shattered emotional state has become canon.

I wonder, will I dream?

It saddens me to learn that Cartman did not hold his Chinpokomon doll in high enough esteem to grant him a seat in the stuffed animal inner circle. Lamp was my starter too, y'know. In a lot of ways, he was the best friend I ever had…

This is funny because he is both fat and has a foot fetish. Your unique brand of humor appeals to me.

Right. Injuns, 'Skins, Arrowslinging Featherfetishists, same difference.

I kept waiting for some variant of "Dey took err jerbs!" to pop up. People complain that South Park isn't what it used to be, but I think the fact that the show refuses to cave in under the weight of its own history proves there's still gas in the tank.


Hey you old fool, I'm gonna kill you!


“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

I have this weird problem where I like all the music hipsters do, yet definitely am not a hipster, and so I go out of my way in all other walks of life to do things hipsters wouldn't do, just to prove how not a hipster I am, even as I rock the Joanna Newsom.