I'd pay to see Tago Mago: the Musical
I'd pay to see Tago Mago: the Musical
I've been reading these reviews since my freshman year in college about 2 and a half years ago, and they've been a part of my Thursday ever since. I'll miss this space a lot going forward.
Where's the selfie? I was promised a selfie.
This album is just ok.
An episode about two DS9 side-characters is better than one about any member of Voyager's main cast. In my book anyway.
Oh no
Dang. Tonight was apparently a good night for TV
Someone had to sound the horn.
This is a bad show now, and has been for at least a season.
Is it fair to say that Michael Douglas is "out the car" now?
We appear to be related, although I don't see you at the Madvillainy family reunions.
Surprise, surprise. Milk that cow, AMC!
I didn't feel this.
No love for Bronson, Kendrick?
it's Cirroc Lofton, he played Jake Sisko in the show.
Weyoun & Dukat: Trek's best odd couple.
Now we know what went wrong with Alexander! He and Worf didn't get their cuddle-time in