Ricky Coogin

you know, it might have been kinda nice if you PUBLISHED THIS ARTICLE BEFORE MOTHER'S DAY!!

It's nuts…I end up lying down at 8:30-9:30 and then I'll wake up at 1:30. It starts getting light here now by 5 am.

All dogs are cute…or almost all dogs. The really ugly ones are sometimes the cutest.

My sleep cycle for the last month has been go to bed at 9 pm, lie awake but with eyes shut till 1:30, get up for two or three hours, then back to not sleeping for another few hours. It's amazing how little sleep I get.

The peak of my fandom was 1989-1990, which was a horrible time to be a fan. The movies were seen as played out and I was also at an age where anything appropriate for kids was seen as wimpy and lame.

Three Lando books were written after Jedi.

"God, your taste in music is, like, so white."

Say, that would make for a nice survey. Hey, everyone…if you could dig up one dead movie star and re-animate their corpse so they could be your girlfriend, who would it be?

Shake the crime stick!

Who, me? I didn't think Shallow Hal was that good.

And when the reviews come out, they'll say "Sein-Smelled."

I was wondering about the setting since Wonder Woman was in WWII…the machine gun mounted on Steve's plane is a Maxim, the first machine gun made, and the trucks in the background are Ford Model Ts. Not that many movies set during World War I.

No, we're pretty much idiots. After all, how many movies in this series have they made by now?

WILLIAM FROUG: I was told you did a major salvage job on The Lost Boys.

When we get up, we drill. After breakfast, we drill some more. A while later, we take a break and drill. Then we drill and drill till lunch. Afterwards, for a change of pace, we drill…

Ghost Granddad was the focus of the Family Circus Christmas special.

He once said that his father caught him drawing on the wall when he was a kid and "knocked the other 'L' out of me."

I just want to make sure I'm not gettin' sloppy seconds from Nat "King" Cole here.

Her family owns the whole fuckin' block. Only problem is, she won't go out with me alone. She's prejudiced. Prejudiced against Italians. Can you believe it, in this day and age - a Jew broad! Prejudiced against Italians.

Does that mean the National Confectioners' Association bans Vin Diesel movies?