Ricky Coogin

I prefer medium rare with a homemade pan sauce or even just A-1.

Ketchup on a steak is a bit strange, but not a total travesty, either.

Food articles are already getting away from the pop culture content of the site, but they're still somewhat entertaining. But ye gods am I sick of their daily obligation to post "we hate Trump" stories. I don't like Trump either, but the tone pisses me off because they just assume everyone here thinks exactly as they

"You remember Ed. He was the one who gave us the talking Marcel Marceau statue. It was a sensation!"

Yeah, great idea for an article. "We hate Trump so much, let's make fun of the food he likes to eat."

And every day when I read stories of street crime, the perpetrator generally has at least one kid if he's over 18, two if he's old enough to drink, and more than that if he's college grad age.

Seeing the Alien movie tomorrow night.

Sister Patterson will be glad to hear this.

And have fun paying the taxes on them.

At least it's not "Dwyane." In the past, I've seen it spelled Duane (my uncle, who died last month), DuWayne (editor on Jedi), and Duwain (former teacher).

I'm crossing my fingers that The Rock chooses Chewbacca Mom as his running mate. After all, she's "pure joy."

"You know, when Boner was a kid, his dad would go to school conferences and the teachers would say 'Your son sure can sing good.' And he'd say, 'That's my Boner.'"

He's biracial, which is the absolute coolest thing a person can be.

"So tell me, future boy, who's President of the United States in 2020?"

Hey, if the Rock can kick ass in movies, why can't he take our nation's problems and just, well, beat them up? Or just charm them away by posting a cute picture of him and his daughter, or him brightening average peoples' day?

I could quote the Reeve Superman films all day.

Hey, I got your grammar right here [grabs crotch], swinging!

"All right, everyone, it's not a popularity contest."

Generic White Guys Who Wish They Were Idris Elba 'Cause That Would Totally Freak Out Other White People Who Are Totally Racist: The AV Club Story

I don't know anything about music, and I always figured the second solo was really hard to play. I thought the same thing about the solo in "November Rain."