Ricky Coogin

I watched an interview with Burt Reynolds the other day and he was offered the role in the early '70s. Nothing against Burt, but he would have been an awful choice.

I get plenty of shit about other stuff here. I really should not have told people here so much about my personal life.

I prefer Barnacle Bill's.

What about "Christian comedians"? I remember seeing one as a teen and the only joke I recall was how he loved people from Michigan (I'm from Kalamazoo) because we don't have any accents. Then he proceeded to do a California surfer dude accent: "Whoa, like, dude, I really liked your show."

Is it true that English people don't like being called "British"? I had an English boss once who I think said something about that.

He has really weird hair…

I think people here recognize I'm being flippant. I'm American, but I lived in London for awhile and I know there's a lot of bad history between the countries.

Yes. "America" is such an ugly name. I know we're all glad The Boy changed it to something better.

Plus he's played a number of roles, including leads, where he's not in heavy makeup. Did you see Life's Too Short? Great stuff.

Her father, Some Guy, discovered America.

I wondered how he got his start. I have never seen his show, so I always used to wonder who the hell the guy on all the billboards was.

If I felt the need to say hi, I'd usually say, "Hi, Mr. _____" and keep walking, like he was a neighbor or something.

Poor Verne Troyer is in rehab again, I think.

I couldn't believe it. How could he play someone rude like John Bender but be polite in real life?

If he was still fat, a third of the comments in here would be cheap shots about his weight.

Yeah, but everyone knows English people don't fight because they're too busy having tea and saying "blimey" and going on fox hunts and whatnot.

The only program I'm likely to get on is the fucking news.

Painter. He's one of those dudes hanging out in front of Home Depot looking for work, though he also sells water and used to dry cars at the car wash until the owner kicked him out since he wasn't an employee.

I've never tried one…I like tomato juice but tj and beer sounds awful.

Their place was only a couple of blocks from Princes Street. There's a plaque there now.