Ricky Coogin

I remember Sean Connery saying something in an interview like "I'm Scottish, so I hate the English. Period."

Wasn't there a scene in Goldeneye where Bond is forced to have a therapist interview him, and she tells him he's old-fashioned and a dinosaur and then he ends up nailing her?

What, you're saying that the Irish and Scottish have some sort of issue with the English?

Hey, they make more money than you do.

My dad is a big Jaguar fan who had a Mark II and an E-type in his day. He loved that bit in Mad Men where Lane Pryce wants to commit suicide yet can't get his '64 E-type to turn over so he can do it. I think in the episode, they talk about how the car is beautiful but unreliable thanks to the substandard Lucas

I read part of Icebreaker and all I remember is the phrase "a pink slice of testicle."

Even Poochare?

It didn't help that the two guys there were gushy fanboys who showered Grant with praise despite the moderator's request that people refrain from praising the guest. That's my biggest pet peeve about Q&As…people have this urge to tell the celeb how great he is, etc.

Eh, same difference. And I'm sure every Irish person would agree with me. Scots, too.

Bond doesn't need to be white, but he needs to be British.

I saw the third film at the dollar movies when the OJ trial was going on. The part the audience laughed hardest at was OJ's first appearance, and it wasn't even a funny moment.

47 meters is pretty deep. I don't know if they're supposed to be professional divers, but recreational divers don't usually go below 30 meters.

Darwin probably had a hard time getting it up.

Wikipedia says hippos are very aggressive and dangerous to humans.

I always thought they should have called the third Naked Gun movie The Naked Gun Part Pi.

"You see what we have and BUY!" - Steve Park, Do the Right Thing

"Fishnet" was a pretty good song.

"Ralph, you're on Special Teams."

"And that…is how you Get the Guests."

Been dealing a lot with my issues regarding my self-hatred. My therapy is often just talking to myself, but it's been more effective than going to some broke-dick counselor. I've made real progress in the last few months in dealing with my sometimes-disordered thinking and also at giving myself a fucking break about