
It certainly doesn't negate the column's premise, but that Tindersticks album is fantastic. For me, it's the only true outlier (*maybe* the Primal Scream album, too, which is also quite good).

I can't wait for the scene where Jon Favreau buttons his sportcoat!

Just normal butt stuff. Which is also what I'm naming my band.

The next person to compare Sanders to Trump gets pushed down a flight of stairs.

I always try to give the opening band the benefit of the doubt, but holy jeez Chastity Belt was tedious opening for Courtney Barnett last month.

For evidence of Rogen's chops, see Sarah Polley's Take This Waltz. Dynamite film, and Rogen's totally believable in a largely serious, everyguy role. His marriage to Michelle Williams' character is dissolving before his eyes, and it's heartbreaking. One of the best movies of 2011.

The dude from Balls of Fury had to see Gad come along and think, "I was THIS close."

I won't be satisfied until "Ed" finally makes its way to DVD.  I know it was never a hit, but there are lots of shows out there on DVD of comparable audience size that don't have the pedigree (not to mention quality) that that one has.

I won't be satisfied until "Ed" finally makes its way to DVD.  I know it was never a hit, but there are lots of shows out there on DVD of comparable audience size that don't have the pedigree (not to mention quality) that that one has.

Loved the episode, but Alex's situation at the party reminded me just a bit too much of the episode of Arrested Development when Steve Holt thought Lindsay was a dude.

Memorable Quotes
A quote I'm surprised didn't make your bottom-of-the-review recap: near the beginning, when the office is describing their memories of Holly, Creed's enthusiastic interjection, "She's one sassy black lady!"