
no i don't think that's what he means, sure you can find whatever you want offensive and in poor taste but demanding it to be removed from existence is a different thing. and honestly, is what they're doing so bad? isn't it like news? a bit more gruesome but it's still news, right? i mean these kinds of videos exist

i agree with that :) and… yeah i highly doubt it that he had never used that word before.

sometimes, he seems too sweet for his own good, like he's a serial killer or something on the inside, anyone get that vibe from his interviews? am i being too cynical?

my reply got stuck, but it kind of sucked, so thank god. sorry, i'm not hilarious or brilliant but i just wanted to share.

jesus, does this make any sense? sorry

and it shouldn't be an insult, sucking someones dick should not be used as an insult, but it's just in the context it was used back when he grew up i think. i mean that should change but, it's quite new all this gay acceptance thing so people you know, people that are quite pro gay, sometimes get carried away when

you never heard some dude in your high school use the word as an insult? i mean that shit stays with you, and like, putting myself in jonah's shoes, if there was someone pestering me all fucking day trying to get a reaction from me, i would be so worn out and exhausted that i would use the most unimaginative insult i

i get really annoyed for some reason when aziz starts jumping around, i get the same feeling when i watch troy and abed do the troy and abed in the morning song, like i don't know man, i just feel really irritated and ashamed for them. goddammit, do i hate fun? fuck me

i thought this was ok to be honest, expected something very mature or i don't know, that's the way he'd been hyping this new hour, but what i got was some you know, ok laughs man, like i don't feel anything too strong about this special, kind of forgotten all the jokes by now… shit, have i lost my sense of humor? i

you're probably right about all this shit you're saying, but do you have to go about it in such an insufferable manner? sorry that this chris guy didn't get to have his day in the sun back when his show was airing, but hey, what the fuck can you do about it? some guys get popular, others don't. and did sacha baron

he gives you the example of kobe's wife that bled him dry for his money and scahwarzenegger's maid, so how is that a straw man argument? like the group of people he was talking about does exists, it's not just some shit he made up so he could talk shit about women, and also, a very specific group of women, it's not

he gives you the example of kobe's wife that bled him dry for his money and scahwarzenegger's maid, so how is that a straw man argument? like the group of people he was talking about does exists, it's not just some shit he made up so he could talk shit about women, and also, a very specific group of women, it's not

what does the fact that you feel people know there are more single moms than gold diggers out there have to do with anything? like, you shouldn't talk about fucking terrorists because there are far more pakistani people out there that aren't terrorists? in fact because the knowledge of single moms struggling is so

what does the fact that you feel people know there are more single moms than gold diggers out there have to do with anything? like, you shouldn't talk about fucking terrorists because there are far more pakistani people out there that aren't terrorists? in fact because the knowledge of single moms struggling is so

@avclub-7ffc7b9269a024d949b808e6856f525d:disqus i think you're overthinking the line, rza never threatened another nigga with the fucking of his bitch, he just said "ill fuck the freckles off your face, bitch" and maybe that's just how he likes to call his girlfriend in the heat of the moment, dirty talk and whatnot.

yeah, maybe rza and his girl just like some dirty talk, nothing rape-y there

hoarse makes me feel weird because it reminds me of  radiohead's 'the national anthem' at the end. that song creeps me out.

i had to google "adduced"

wow, this low? i though it was a very good album, some ok tracks like the mac miller one but you know what? outside of that one track i think it's pretttaayy prettaaaay good. personal favorites: sunday and molasses (i'll fuck the freckles off your face bitchhh)

wasted sounds like aneurysm, wet blanket sounds like downer.