
Season five is the best season.

It's not that kind of show. It won't see the ratings spike BB did because it's not "badass" in the same way.

The show only occasionally did stories that didn't relate to the office in some way (I honestly can't think of any right now). The show was only concerned with their relationships with their coworkers. Also, it's obviously a professional picture taken at some mall photo studio.

Is that a TV show?

We shouldn't praise Dan Castellanata?

Actually, that's a depressingly popular opinion from people with no empathy.

Relapse at least has decent production. Recovery was tiresome. Also, "Deja Vu."

Check out how cool this guy is.

One of the greatest songs ever. The rest of the album is great, too, particularly "Somebody to Hold Me" and "This Kind of Music."

Finally read Skippy Dies this year. Incredible novel.

It was an hour long comedy, and it's not that bad.

First season's good, second's alright, third's terrible, fourth is surprisingly good.

Except the one we live in, since it's season six.

You need to see more movies.

M*A*S*H in its prime (basically until Radar left) was working on a ridiculously high level. The last three seasons are really scattershot, though.

Not really on Curb. Much like Seinfeld, the show's humor comes mostly from how everything comes together.

Mary Tyler Moore is brilliant and probably as good as the Wire. Totally incomparable, though.

It's still written and plotted. Dialogue is only one part of writing.

Mad Men
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Orphan Black
The Americans

Sure, that was a miscalculation, especially the critic bit, but that's no reason to dismiss the whole film.