
OK I am not asking for continuity on everything, but
wouldn't Sheldon be having a meltdown about Penny's apartment being messy? In the first season he could not sleep due to this problem.

Haven't you heard that all comedy writers, especially Harvard grads, think that Lincoln is the funniest president, and a robot Lincoln is f-ing hilarious.

random dudes
The last time, I think, was in Italy where the one "model" (term used loosely) slept with one of the random dudes and had to make the phone call to said boyfriend. Great TV as you go to hear his whining about it and calling her a bitch. This was also a non-Tyra sanctioned event.

Since Sienkiewicz was brought up with The Shadow, I have a set of original prints he did when he was illustrating the comics back in the 80's. Along with the comic books.

Oh man I totally forgot about that, and I have the DVD set, must have had a mind block. Thanks everyone for reminding me.

The tattle call from mom
I am kind of torn on this. I kind of want to allow the show to have us meet Sheldon's mom, but also trepidatious about it. Half of me wants her to stay a phone voice, but half really wants to see who would be his mother. The phone call was so great I think it would spoil the whole thing,

I have nothing to say about this.

The VH1 Classic channel. Last Sunday was a whole day marathon of pop-ups.

The problem is that Ned cannot touch Chuck again and resurrect her. This was shown in the pie-lette. He tried it with his mother after he resurrected her once and she kissed him goodnight. She died again and Ned could not bring her back again. Of course this could be tested by trying to kill one of Chuck's bees,

Anyone else scope out at the end the same extra walked behind Turtle and Drama four (4) times. I can't even remember what they were talking about after she passed twice and at that point I was on extra watch, as I was sure they would not make the same mistake again and they did.

Ned's father?

So this year, yet again, we will have the inevitable nudity shot model hysterical breakdown, followed by tears, Mr. Jay bitching at her and telling her to go home, calling in Tyra to back up what Jay says and the either doing it or not.

Next Reality TV Star?
Any bets on what reality show he ends up on after they ream him for all his money? Unless he gets killed or sent away for life it has to happen, and he will be all whiny and say he has repented, but has Dennis Hoff on speed dial.

Does Tony Clifton explain what happened to Jeff Conaway?

I thought Christian Bale was Welsh? Also in most Dark Knight interviews he doesn't even seem to have his accent anymore, has he played American too long?

He also wrote another book under his real name that you can order from his website. After all Joe Bob was a persona and he graduated from Vanderbilt University and was the regular film critic at the Dallas Times Herald. When they killed Joe Bob he left the paper at the same time thus confirming that they were on in

3rd Season
I worry about a 3rd season if they do it. I hate to be setup for dissapointment for something I love so much, like Red Dwarf did. I like that some of the UK shows know when to hang it up, thus preventing the heartbreak of watching what you enjoy get worse and worse. Allowing the false hope that I will

Did anyone find an easter egg yet on either disc with the Fox pilot on it? They talk about it in the first commentary and wondered if they did hide it somewhere.

The last thing I heard was that Jim was not going to be there, when did this change? There are no rifts between the cast members my understanding is that Jim is the one who took the series to Shout Factory and ended the deal with Rhino. My info could be wrong, could someone post a link with the true article, as

Chalize Theron killing herself
Man was this a bad performance. When she kills herself at the end I was so happy. Soooo whiny and naggy in this movie, I could not enjoy the Pacino camp and the moronic visage of Keanu.