
Someone may have mentioned this already, but it's cachet, not cache.

A shitty store named after two dated technologies, radios and shacks.

I thought Chalky was going to jam his finger into that hole he stabbed into Purnsley's face to get him to stop choking him long enough for Chalky to regain the upper hand. I really didn't want Chalky to die.

What's the minus for? Such a great fucking episode. So much good Kenny. So much good Stevie. I don't know even know what the fuck to comment on. Just reading all these comments is making me laugh again. Fucking fuck.

Yeah, I know, I know. Poisoning children, dissolving bodies in acid and all that dastardly shit. But at least he always held on to the notion (delusional and misguided as it might have been) that it was "all for family". But then he threatens to kill Skyler and that notion all but crumbles.

I finally feel like Walt is completely beyond any form of redemption, whether he saves Jesse or not.

I thought it was ok, but man do I miss Greg Giraldo on these things.

The name of the show is already sitcom gold.

I'm guessing this possibility has been discussed here before, but am I only one that thinks Walt Jr. is going to get killed? (I used to think he was going to start using meth. That one never panned out.) It might be a little over the top, but I just feel like Skyler and Walt are going to pay that price somehow. I have

Mad Men suffers from a terminal lack of Bob Odenkirk

Fuck yes. This remix still sends electricity through me.

"I got a letter from the government, the other day,
I opened and read it, it said they were SUCKERS…"

Yeah, I thought it was mildly amusing at best. And Jason and Will making out just seemed like cheap, lazy improv.

The harder Don started hitting the hooch as the finale went on, the more I started to see the show's opening animation as Don's descent into abject alcoholism.

"I can't find the steering wheel anywhere on this thing."