


Re: Hit & Miss

Re: Hit & Miss

I just discovered last night that they were up to ep 6 already - so I've seen a half dozen episodes and think this is just the best. But if you didn't care for the first two episodes you probably won't be falling in love with it.

I just discovered last night that they were up to ep 6 already - so I've seen a half dozen episodes and think this is just the best. But if you didn't care for the first two episodes you probably won't be falling in love with it.

Is there some page that explains why the AVC covers certain series for the length of time they do? Most of this stuff is barely on par with Walker Texas Ranger, and while I'm sure your writers could do a great piece summarizing that series, recapping every mediocre episode of every mediocre show is sort of like

I appreciate that Stewart occasionally gets to interject some very sane points into media debates, but the its really the correspondents that make his show worthwhile.

Every opening this season has made me think I must have skipped the previous episode..

I wish the A.V. Club would open a London branch just so less time could be spent recapping this season's shitty American TV series. I can't believe someone would rather keep pumping out reviews of 'C' and 'D' episodes of Castle, Dexter, or the Walking Dead rather than review the newest series of Misfits. Which is off

Sandbaggers was pretty great, though I'm sure it'd disappoint fans of guns and explosions. Page Eight is similar in its treatment of the espionage industry (ie, it involves a lot more paperwork that poison pens) - but more focused on politics - its closer to that (awful) recent move about the Valerie Plame affair

This season? No. The first two were pretty diverting, in much the same way as the first few seasons of 'Bones' were.

I watched this _because_ of the high grade.

Whichever wasted teenager trashed Siobhan's portrait has excellent, typographer quality handwriting. And gigantic lips.

It's not just that it's "competently but blandly" done - but that it feels so recycled. There's not a single original idea in this series that makes it worth watching.

More terrible logic: Sookie's Grandfather, and everything he's wearing, turns to dust, but his watch doesn't?

Odd Future
Nailed it - this was the "shitty youth music" that immediately sprung to mind.

I was wondering when TV Club would check in..
Unfortunately, Bones is well past its sell-by date. The first few seasons were kind of appealing, but it's now so formulaic as to be a parody, just like the spin-off they shoehorned in a couple eps back. Maybe I'd watch a rerun if stuck in a hotel room, but I don't think

Shouldn't this be titled..
.."Fighting for Bin Laden"? That's what the title given on the frontline website.

This article's accompanying picture is actually from the subsequent episode.