
FINALLY someone has the Governor in gunsights and actualy pulls the trigger. Stupid redshirt getting in the way…

I could be wrong, but I think Downton Abbey just killed off more major characters in one season than "The Walking Dead" killed off in Season 2.
Only, the Walking Dead did it better.  Matthew's death was down there with Rosalind Shays dropping down an elevator shaft. 

Ethnic humor, arising from stereotypes, is lazy and hackish. Leave the Russian babushka character for the Catskills. Actually, I guess the Catskill circuit is dead now, so maybe not. It was alive the last time bits like that were funny.

Dean Geyer's bare torso is the most important cultural export from South Africa since Ladysmith Black Mambazo. I haven't even been able to watch the entire episode yet. I stopped at the cereal scene. I may not need to watch further.

It is times like this that I am grateful I have remained spoiler-free.

What they did to Shane in the finale made sense for the character's arc over the series but not the season. Over the series, Shane sufferes from one horrible event after another, and should at this point be majorly fucked up in the head: he had gangsters as mentors, murdered a woman without regret, had 3-ways about a

What they did to Shane in the finale made sense for the character's arc over the series but not the season. Over the series, Shane sufferes from one horrible event after another, and should at this point be majorly fucked up in the head: he had gangsters as mentors, murdered a woman without regret, had 3-ways about a

That scene was horrible.  I couldn't believe what I had just seen.  After millions of men and women came out of the closet and gradually, painfully advanced the cause of awareness and acceptance, people like Ryan Murphy come along and emit crap like this onto the national airwaves.

That scene was horrible.  I couldn't believe what I had just seen.  After millions of men and women came out of the closet and gradually, painfully advanced the cause of awareness and acceptance, people like Ryan Murphy come along and emit crap like this onto the national airwaves.

That depends on why you're still watching Weeds.

That depends on why you're still watching Weeds.

I think the reason why some of the college guys were in their underwear is that it was supposed to be a rush party (the receptionist lady set that up), and those were the pledges.

I think the reason why some of the college guys were in their underwear is that it was supposed to be a rush party (the receptionist lady set that up), and those were the pledges.