
For real, when did this become shameful. Modern Family recently joked about the dorkiness of said pants, also.  whatevs

For real, when did this become shameful. Modern Family recently joked about the dorkiness of said pants, also.  whatevs

I think it's because Job in the Bible is all righteous and blessed and it's funny because GOB is not. Irony. You guys know about Job right?

I think it's because Job in the Bible is all righteous and blessed and it's funny because GOB is not. Irony. You guys know about Job right?

Hey did you guys see the story about the naked guy living in some ruins in El Paso.  He looks a lot like a bearded David Cross and is hilarious.  If it isn't viral marketing it should be.  It could easily tie into a Tobias never-nude story. a final break-through leads him to be always-nude but he can't really handle

Hey did you guys see the story about the naked guy living in some ruins in El Paso.  He looks a lot like a bearded David Cross and is hilarious.  If it isn't viral marketing it should be.  It could easily tie into a Tobias never-nude story. a final break-through leads him to be always-nude but he can't really handle

Man, does anyone else miss Reaper?  Wish that had lasted.

Man, does anyone else miss Reaper?  Wish that had lasted.

Yeah, sorry, I don't particularly care for the lyrics above, but I shouldn't have been a dick about it.

Yeah, sorry, I don't particularly care for the lyrics above, but I shouldn't have been a dick about it.

Oh I see, so the fanbase for these guys is mostly 15 year-olds?

Oh I see, so the fanbase for these guys is mostly 15 year-olds?

He was the guy on my campus who always wore pajamas… usually wore his hair down, though.

He was the guy on my campus who always wore pajamas… usually wore his hair down, though.

I enjoyed that Albarn clip, but as much as I enjoy the guy's music, well how do i put this nicely.. I would rather not listen to him speak.

Oh man, I wish I could be like you, ignorant of the enormity of Dax Flame so that I could discover him layer by layer all over again.  In the same way I wish I could read Ulysses again for the first time.. or The Idiot.

But I've seen all those.  … well OK, all that I care to see.  I have been struggling to find anything I want to watch on there lately.  I'm stuck with Fry in America at the moment.

The biggest problem with this is you only get the previews even after signing up for the free account.  And you won't catch me paying for streaming music…

You bought the CD and DVD? You must be, like, his number one fan.

what about white denim?