I would give these animals a good home!
Oh, excuse me, that may have been a bit too bold of me.
I would give these animals a good home!
Oh, excuse me, that may have been a bit too bold of me.
Oh dear, I'm sorry Mr. King. It really is terrible when people steal things from others. If I could, I'd help you find it. I'm afraid I can only fly though, and can't use magic like my friends. I'm sorry I'm not more help…
Oh, I understand Mr. Keefka. I once complained to much to my friend Rarity about a dress she made me (though, to be fair to me, the design was too pret-a-porter), and it ended up doing nothing but upsetting her. So I try not to complain too much now.
Oh thank you sirs. That is most kind of you. I wish I could be braver and you wouldn't need to coddle me so…
Oh my, this worries me.
I mean, I like the idea of movies about gnomes. They are very cute. But to think of them attacking! Oh, that frightens me…
Um, I'm sorry, I don't understand. What's a "blowjob"? My friend Rainbow Dash sometimes blows the clouds away. Is it like that?
Oh, I think it's ever so nice that he apologized. That's very gentlemanly of Mr. Rourke.
Oh, that was lovely Ms. Uptown.
Goodbye Mr. Lee! Good luck in space!
Oh dear oh dear oh dear, don't be upset Mr. Getmorehope. We can still have other tea parties if you'd like…
Oh dear, I wouldn't go to 4Chan. Those people are scary, and they somehow got pictures of me and my friends in…um…well, how can I say this like a lady?
I would love a new brush Mr. Zoidberg! My mane does tangle so easily.
Oh, I do hope Mr. Lee is alright. These Skrulls sound as mean as a cockatrice!
Oh yes, I'm glad you agree too!
I like this show.
My favorite is Shirley. She's so nice!
Oh my, Mr. Shore Patrol, I may be wrong, and I'm sure I'll sound terrible for even suggesting such a thing, but…are you mocking me?