I particularly like the idea of singing birds on film! Oh, an entire choir of cute chirping bluebirds! More of that, please!
I particularly like the idea of singing birds on film! Oh, an entire choir of cute chirping bluebirds! More of that, please!
I think this looks cute!
Oh, but your grade is valid too…
Well thank you Mr. Rodgers. That makes me feel a lot better. :)
Thank you for liking us, Mr Posts.
Oh dear, I'm sorry Mr. Myron! I must have done something to upset you. I apologize, really, don't be mad!
I think I know an Eagleheart!
She lives in Hoofington, I believe. Or maybe Trottingham. Oh dear, I can't seem to remember now…
Oh, dear, I'm sorry Mr. Getmorehope. I had a lovely morning with you, but I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. My animals still need me, and I couldn't leave Ponyville. You seem really nice though, it was a great tea party.
Um, it's just me, actually, as far as I can tell. I haven't told my friend about this place yet. Oh dear, you don't like me, do you? Maybe I should just go…
…um, Mr. Horse, why are there so many pictures of me on that site?
Oh, don't be angry Mr. Hyden! I'm sorry! I just didn't realize that this was newswire and not a new feature. I'm so so sorry, please don't hate me forever. Oh, I'm such an idiot sometimes…
My friend Applejack always gives me lots of apples. I like apples. Not when they talk though. Oh, I don't like imagining my food talking to me. Can we talk about something else? Like bunnies?
I read the book.
It wasn't all that I expected.
Excuse me, I was just wondering…
Does anyone want to come out and play?
Oh, I do feel bad for the filmmakers. They probably tried so hard…
You want to eat me! Does that mean you're…
Um, excuse me?
Oh, hi, sorry.
Oh, I think this trailer could be so nice. I like cute little monkeys! Maybe this will be…
I never liked the holidays too much.
That's when all the animals go away! I much prefer spring, when I get to wake up all the sleepy bunnies and ferrets. Ohh, now I can't wait for Winter Wrap Up!