
Oh, yes, singing.
I like singing, though not so much in public. My friends said I should try for Equestria Idol when the auditions came to Phillydelphia, but I was too scared. Maybe I will next year though, if I don't get too nervous.

Does anybody want a cupcake?

*flies away*

Um, excuse me, Mr. Scrivener. I'm so sorry to bother you like this, and I'm sure I'm all wrong about it, but isn't the phrase "I would prefer not to"?

Thank you Ms. Hox. I needed that.

Oh my, is that too strong? I'm sorry Strawberry, really. I'll tone it down…

Don't go stirring things up, Shortcake!

Oh no oh no, this isn't going well at all, is it?

Oh, oh dear, no I guess I'm wrong. I'm so sorry everybody, I really am. Oh Fluttershy, why do you do this to yourself…

Look at me, I'm so assertive!

I like happy endings!
I think all stories should have them. Sad endings make me cry. Lots of things make me cry though, I'm very sensitive…

Mr. Getmorehope! Do you want to come over for tea?

Oh, yes, of course, if you don't want to come that's okay.

Okay Mr. Lobsters, we can have tea if you would like. Please be over at my cottage at 9 o'clock sharp tomorrow. Rarity and Applejack will be coming too. Then afterwards the three of us are going for a spa session, though I must say Applejack isn't looking forward to that. You are welcome to come too, of course.

I just want to say something, if that's okay with everybody.
I think Ms. Page and I would get along great. We both love the environment and all the nice little animals that live in it. I hope one day she'll visit Ponyville and we can have a tea party together.


Squee! Thank you Ms. Hox!

Oh dear, that's awfully disrespectful.
Everypony knows that funeral homes need to have the upmost respect for the families of the deceased. Ohhh, I don't like all this talk of death. Can't you run a happier story AV Club? One with cute animals?

There should be more websites like this
I'm sorry for making such a declarative statement, but I think we need more like this. With cute little animals! I wonder if Angel is in there?

Oh, thank you Mr. Tanguy. You are too kind. Maybe YOU should be the keeper of the Element of Kindness instead of me!