
Who else thought of Mr. Show when Jimmy said Danny filmed those videos for the art vendor to be "titillated"?

Someone is a fucking asshole.

"Don't Jim at the camera" automatically gives this one at least a B+

Someone did read the article, but was perhaps a bit confused. Hence Someone asking a question but then Someone Else was unhelpful and a little bit rude.

Didn't the AV Club mark this episode down for this exact thing?

Disclaimer: I think, in general, Will Forte ≠ funny.

I think the look about the milk was because Chuck doesn't have a fridge, due to his uh, condition.

It's actually not hilarious because paruresis is a serious mental disorder that can fuck up people's lives (i.e. mine). For a lot of people, it's not just that they can't pee with others in the room, they can't go even in a private locked bathroom if, for example, they know someone is waiting or someone can hear,

Here in CA I saw the plate "NVR NUDE" and it was the happiest (ish) moment of my life.  I wanted to leave a note (as is Bluth family tradition) but I had no paper or pen!

Here in CA I saw the plate "NVR NUDE" and it was the happiest (ish) moment of my life.  I wanted to leave a note (as is Bluth family tradition) but I had no paper or pen!