
Another reason physical media is still important: I can rent newly-released films on blu ray or DVD, but I can't stream them, or if I can, it'll be £4 or something silly. That's why I still use Lovefilm in the UK for discs too.

Although I usually agreed with Dale, I was finding him a bit annoying.

Hmm much preferred the first one really, and how did Holmes find their hideout at the end?

Are "Cersei" "Ceresi" and "Cersi" all the same person?

Ugh too much talking! Wound past most of the boring deathbed scenes.

"Don't ask!" "Don't tell!" Great bit!

Wow I'm surprised this show's even being aired in the States, let alone given an A by AV Club. Maybe I should watch after all!

Two prayer scenes in about five minutes was a bit much, plus how on earth did that guy half cut his arm off crouching next to a car? Agree that the Sophia disappearance was pretty contrived, and now they have a shot kid to deal with too. Love Dale and Daryl in this ep.

Yeah, all those pesky red herrings and oblique characters are indeed a big problem that needs to be addressed in season two (!) That's the entire point!